
Your Journey Begins

Choose the practice just right for the next stage of your yoga journey

“Yoga is the settling of the mind into silence. When the mind has settled, we are stablished in our essential nature, which is unbounded Consciousness.” Y.S. 1.2 & 1.3 Donna Fahri

Explore your Inner World

Yoga is a journey from gross to subtle. It is a spiritual practice so we can unite with who we truly are.

Yoga Sutras 1.2

tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe vasthānam
Yoga Sutras 1.3

Hatha Yoga for all

Reconnect with your body and breath, expand your mind.

Somatic Movement

Regain pain-free movement. Dispel the myth of ageing!

Restorative & Yoga Nidra

Let props support you for deep relaxation

Meditation Mindfulness
(Coming soon)

Practice Stillness
Understand the Philosophy of Yoga

One to One

Postural assessment
individualised programme

Staff Wellbeing Events

Corporate Events
Office and Online staff Yoga

What People Say

Cathy is a wonderful yoga teacher, taking the time to explain the correct posture for each discipline along with corresponding breathing techniques. Whether a beginner or a more experienced student, Cathy makes you feel at ease and relaxed, allowing the individual student to practice at their own ability and pace. Highly recommended.

Kim K.